Thursday, October 6, 2016


Life is filled with anxiety
And one's joy is there to steal
With it comes much perplexity
Please, peace be still

Peace is a state of rest
Not achieved when you've tried your best
Learn to sit and listen calmy
Friend, peace be still

Remember when the waves gave a frantic stage
The wind and storm did rage
Hearts melted; faith grew wane
Oh! Peace be still


There's a place of awesomeness.
The perfect dream of mine
A place without pain; always happiness
Carefully painting the better me.

My dreams keep me sane
In a world filled with insanity
Consider the flight of a plane
Making a mediocre of gravity

I set out to achieve my dreams
Shouts of disapproval here and there
"You can't! Aye, you can't!"
But in my dreams I've already been there.

Well I hope this inspires you to dream
Set your sight and keep them fixed
Let no one steal your dream
For they are wishes a merry heart makes.

Beat Diabetes

The flow of glucose surging
Through the vein flowing
Blunting every nerve gloat
Beat Diabetes

Insulin should be fighting
Poor folks, drugs be helping
This calls for a lifestyle shifting
Beat Diabetes

Regular exercise is recommendable
Eating right is advisable
Good blood-glucose level is achievable
Beat Diabetes

Do take your drugs appropriately
Know the types adequately
Confused? Ask your Pharmacist
Beat Diabetes